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Competitive Swim
Course Category
About Competitive Swim

This program is for participants in 6th-12th grades. The prerequisites for this program are:

-knowledge of competitive strokes

-ability to swim 50 yards (2 lengths to the pool)

The following guidelines will need to be followed in order to participate in the program:

  • The participant may enter the pool facility five minutes prior to class.
  • The participant should come dressed to swim if possible. The participant is allowed goggles, swim cap, towel, warm-ups, flip-flops/sandals and a plastic water bottle (must be a screw top). 
  • Do not share equipment. Please bring the following: googles, kickboard*, and pull buoy*. If you do not have these*, they can be checked out to you for the class. Googles and swim caps are available for purchase.
  • The participant must leave five minutes after the class ends.
  • If the participant is not feeling well, PLEASE do not come to class.

No partial or pro-rated fees for absences/ vacations/ etc.

There are no Competitive Swim courses available for registration.