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Pre-K to Grade 3 Parenting Workshops
Course Category
About Pre-K to Grade 3 Parenting Workshops

With a need for family connections and parenting education as children transition into elementary school, ECFE offers workshops and parenting resources for families with children from preschool through early elementary school years.

Parenting education and family engagement can:

  • Connect families with resources at their child's school.
  • Provide information and support to families through family events, parenting workshops, and one-on-one support as needed.
  • Support schools and families in working together to help students be successful in school.

Do you have a specific parenting question or concern that you would like a parenting educator to help with? We're here to help. 
Ask your parenting question now.

There are no Pre-K to Grade 3 Parenting Workshops courses available for registration.