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  • Newborn Parenting: Birth to 12 weeks

    Parents, caregivers and babies, birth to 12 weeks, are invited to join us for our Newborn Parenting series. This is an opportunity for weekly baby weight checks, to connect with other new parents, ask questions, or talk about concerns, gain professional advice, laugh, cry, and talk about life with your new baby. Classes are led by a licensed Parent and Family Educator along with guest speakers including WIC, Public Health, Lactation, Pediatrics, Early Intervention and Mental Health. Start anytime and come as many times as you like until your little one is 12 weeks old. Pre-registration is not required, but it does help us be more prepared. Registration is FREE! Topics include: Adjustment to Parenthood Healthy Attachment Feeding, Mastitis, and more Perinatal or postpartum mood and anxiety disorder (PMADS) Newborn General Development Tummy Time and Physical Development Illness in Babies, Immunizations and Prepping for first colds Self-Care Returning to Work, Pumping, Daycare Postpartum Body Care Language and Literacy