Age-specific classesAge-specific classes are offered to help families learn about challenges and opportunities that come with parenting children at each age and stage, while children can interact with peers that have similar developmental skills. Each class includes parent/child time, learning activities for children and parent discussion. The age of the child attending the class must fall within the guidelines during the first week that the class is held.Category
Starting SoonToddlers: 16 to 24 monthsToddlers and Twos Classes (16 to 36 months) - SeparatingSpend time with your child learning, discovering and playing in a classroom designed for exploring and moving as well as parenting discussion on topics related to the joys and challenges of this age. Connect with other parents/caregivers who are sharing in the same experiences. Parent/caregiver and child separation will be gradual. *This class will be non-separating at the Sorteberg location.Winter 2025 ECFE
WaitlistTwos: 24 to 36 monthsToddlers and Twos Classes (16 to 36 months) - SeparatingThis class is all about the life of a two-year-old. Enjoy learning activities designed for curious, busy, on-the-go toddlers. Parenting discussion includes information about temperament traits, setting limits, toilet learning and independence. You'll also connect with other parents and caregivers going through similar experiences. Spanish speaking instructor in class on Mondays at Coon Rapids Family Place.Winter 2025 ECFE
Starting SoonOnes: 11 to 23 monthsBabies and Ones Classes (Birth to 23 months) - Non-SeparatingYour little ones will love exploring in a child-friendly environment discovering sensory activities along with songs and movements. Learning activities are planned for children on the move. Parenting discussions include responding to new behaviors and interests, language and brain development, and motor abilities along with other topics to help support you and your child. Come learn, laugh, and connect with other parents who are sharing the same experience. What is ECFE? Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) offers programs for all families with children from birth to grade 3. Programs encourage play and exploration which help children learn and develop. Licensed Parenting Educators provide parents and caregivers with support, information on child development, and community resources. Plus, you develop connections with other parents/caregivers who are sharing in the same experiences.Winter 2025 ECFE
Starting SoonThrees: 36 to 48 monthsPreschoolers Classes (3 to 4 years, 4 months) - SeparatingYour child is three and ready for more independence. Parenting discussion includes information about choices, getting dressed, mealtime, potty training, making friends, and how to prepare for what’s next. Plus, it’s your chance to spend some uninterrupted time together participating in activities that support growth and development. You'll also connect with other parents and caregivers going through similar experiences.Winter 2025 ECFE
Mixed-age classes (birth up to kindergarten) - SeparatingIn mixed-age classes, families and their young children come together to explore, play, and learn. Parenting educators facilitate conversations on child development and ways to support children’s growth and learning while building the parent/child relationship. Early childhood teachers create and engage children in developmentally appropriate activities to support the specific needs and growth of all children, from birth to kindergarten. Mixed-age classes are separating classes which means parents/caregivers spend half of the class time together with their child and half in parenting education while the child stays with an early childhood teacher. En las clases de edades mixtas, las familias y sus niños pequeños se reúnen para explorar, jugar y aprender. Los educadores de crianza facilitan conversaciones sobre el desarrollo infantil y las formas de apoyar el crecimiento y el aprendizaje de los niños mientras construyen la relación entre padres e hijos. Los maestros de la primera infancia crean e involucran a los niños en actividades apropiadas para su desarrollo para apoyar las necesidades específicas y el crecimiento de todos los niños, desde el nacimiento hasta el jardín de infantes. Las clases de edades mixtas son clases separadas, lo que significa que los padres/cuidadores pasan la mitad del tiempo de clase junto con su hijo y la otra mitad en educación para padres mientras el niño se queda con un maestro de la primera infancia.Category
PopularPreschool Information NightPreschool Information NightChoosing the right preschool for your child is important. We are excited to partner with you as you explore the Preschool options that Anoka-Hennepin Schools has to offer. During this FREE event you will learn more about Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool and the options available for your child. You will have the opportunity to talk to our teaching staff about preschool, the curriculum and their classrooms. You will receive information about Early Childhood Screening and there will be time to ask questions and get support with the registration process. We offer two times for you to choose from. Registration is required for this free event. Schedule of events depending on which class you register for: 4:30-5 p.m. OR 6:30-7 p.m. - Preschool staff presentations 5-5:30 p.m. OR 7-7:30 p.m. - Classroom visits 5:30-6 p.m. OR 7:30-8 p.m. - Online registration Additional information about Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool programs can be found on our website - ahschools.us/preschool.Preschool 2024-25
Starting SoonAdult Fitness - Deep Water Aqua JogAdultMaximize your results in this mixed training program. Aqua Jogging is an intense, but non-impact, exercise alternative that will challenge all levels of participants. Workout includes safe, effective lower body variations and specific arm movements. All activities are done in water 9-12 feet deep. A jogging belt is worn to hold the participant in a vertical position. Jogging belts are provided, but they are also available for purchase at the Roosevelt Community Pool Office prior to class starting. Please note the following restrictions: The participant may enter the pool facility five minutes prior to class. There will be no use of lockers in the locker rooms; only use of showers (to rinse off before and after class) and bathroom use. Participants are asked to bring their belongings in a bag on the pool deck. There is limited locker room changing available. You are encouraged to come in your swimsuit and leave in your swimsuit (depending upon weather). If the participant is not feeling well, PLEASE do not come to class. Our Adult Fitness Programs have two ways to attend: Register online for a spot in the class. Please note, if we reach the class capacity drop-in will not be available. Drop in fee: $8.00 per class - ages 18+Aquatics - Winter 2025
Four-year-old Preschool: Income eligible free preschool with transportationFour-Year-Old PreschoolFour-year-old preschool - Income eligible free preschool with transportation Classes are 2.75 hours per day with morning and afternoon options. Four days per week, Monday through Thursday. Classes are open to residents of the Anoka-Hennepin School District with a child four years of age on or before September 1, 2024 who income qualify. Verify your Anoka-Hennepin Schools attendance area before continuing. Transportation is INCLUDED. Class location and time determined by transportation availability and routing. If you have not completed the Pre-Registration Form and income verification, follow this link. You will need your income verification documents to complete this form. If you are not a resident of the Anoka Hennepin School District you are not eligible to register for this option - review other Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool options. Student class placement Specific class placement for morning or afternoon classes is based on school district bus routes. Registrations are welcome throughout the year and will be placed as space is available until all classes are full. Meals As part of the USDA Free and Reduced School Meals Program, children attending preschool will be served breakfast, snack or lunch depending on the site. For registrations after the school year has started: Thank you for your interest in Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool program. Although registration started in March, there is still availability in some classes. Your registration will go to a holding status until our staff can review the registration and check our sites for availability. When there is a match to one of your preferred classes, you will be contacted so the registration can be completed and your child's start date can be confirmed. If no match is made, you will be contacted for another possible option. If you are requesting Tuition Fee Assistance, proof of income verification is required before your registration can be completed.Preschool 2024-25
Four-year-old Voluntary PrekindergartenFour-Year-Old PreschoolFour-year-old preschool - Voluntary Prekindergarten Classes are 2.75 hours per day with morning and afternoon options Five days per week. Classes closely align with the Anoka-Hennepin Elementary School District Calendar Transportation is included No income eligibility guidelines Four-year-old Voluntary Preschool classes are open to families with a child four years of age on or before September 1, 2024. Families must be a resident of the Anoka-Hennepin School District and live in or attend child care in the attendance areas of: Adams Elementary School Evergreen Park Elementary School Madison Elementary School Monroe Elementary School University Avenue Elementary School If you have not completed the Pre-Registration Form, follow this link Verify your school attendance area before continuing. * If you are not a resident of the Anoka-Hennepin School District or if your elementary school is not included on the above list, you are not eligible to register for Four-year-old Voluntary Prekindergarten - review other Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool options. Student class placement Specific class placement for morning or afternoon classes is based on school district bus routes. Families will be notified of their child’s preschool class schedule by June 15, 2024. Registrations are welcome throughout the year and will be placed as space is available until classes are full. Meal/Snack As part of the USDA Free and Reduced School Meals Program, children attending preschool will be served breakfast snack or lunch depending on the site and class time. For registrations after the school year has started: Thank you for your interest in Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool program. Although registration started in March, there is still availability in some classes. Your registration will go to a holding status until our staff can review the registration and check our sites for availability. When there is a match to one of your preferred classes, you will be contacted so the registration can be completed and your child's start date can be confirmed. If no match is made, you will be contacted for another possible option.Preschool 2024-25